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(1 edit) (+1)

What's the button to get out of the note after reading it? cause i can't seem to find it.

Also i'd love a tip. After finding the kitchen key and going to the other floors, i've went into every room i seemingly cant, yet nothing happened. I don't want to look an youtube video to get spoiled.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, thanks for playing. 

The button to scroll through/exit each note is on the right-hand side of the page, halfway between the top/bottom of the screen. It's coloured red and black. Based on your feedback, I'm going to change this in a future patch, so that it is more conspicuous (I'm thinking of changing it to be white with a black arrow, to match the colour palette of the notes). 

As for the room that you can't find, I expect that this is probably the bedroom at the far end of the upstairs hallway (just past the kitchen). You can see the door in the distance when you're at the opposite end of the hallway. I've got an idea of how I can improve this, which I'll implement in a future patch.

Anyway, thanks a ton for your feedback, it's very helpful!

EDIT - I've implemented these fixes into a new patch

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for being such a cool dev and taking my dyslexia-ridden feedback into consideration. This is how people like Gabe Newell build an empire.

I love these kind of games but I grew to develop a lot of impatience sometimes and when things aren't almost instant intuitive, i get confused and even side-blinded.

Right now i'm on a hype playing Half Life 2 due to the 20th anniversary update but after i'm done i'll try your game again.

Oh and uh. I didn't want to say as this sounds very stupid on my part, but may I ask tips on how to play that second game of yours? The one with the wizard? I understand the mechanics and i'm indeed FROM the era of such games but the modern ones spoiled me down. 

Even if i try my best to save my resources, my magic seems to do absolutely nothing to the enemies other than stagger than for a few seconds.

That said, your 3rd game, (the little red riding hood one) was very good and I hope you make more like it. With horror on it or not. I enjoy both.

Nice, I love Half Life 2, it's one of the all-time greats! 

Regarding the issue you're experiencing with my 2nd game, The Fall of Ravenwick Castle... currently the combat system is designed around casting magic at the feet of the enemies. As in, you cast a 'Seal' in front of a zombie, they walk into it, it triggers for damage. If I remember correctly, zombies currently take 6 or 7 hits to kill. I should probably add some sort of animation to indicate that the zombies are sustaining permanent damage after they've been hit by a spell... I'll add it to the list of improvements to make for the next patch.

As for Little Red Riding Hood... there's definitely going to be another game in the same style coming soon, hopefully by the end of the year!